Chapter 29

“Come on out, and we’ll talk.”

“I…I think I’ll just go to bed.”

“No, Fate. We need to talk about this.”

He looked at Dante. “Why did you do it?”

“You said that’s what you wanted.”

“So just to win your point, you gave me the worst you had.”

“You think that’s the worst I have? You stupid jerk. That was nothing. If I showed you the worst I had you’d be dead. I would have mauled, raped, and killed you. Don’t you have any sense at all, Fate? I’m from goddamned Hell! In your worst nightmares, your fantasies, your erotic dreams, you couldn’t know the extent of what I could do if I tried. What I showed you was tame, sucker.”

Dante turned, stomped into his room, pulled down a bag and began packing.

“What are you doing?”

“You invited me to go, so I’m going. By the way, if you see me camped out on some street corner with a cup in my hand, keep going.”

“You don’t have to go until you find a place. Hell, I’m not that unfeeling that I’d just kick you outon the street.”