His truck was a far cry from what his father drove eons ago. He smiled at being second-generation garbage truck driver. He liked it, being outdoors, sort of, and having a good union job and salary with as much overtime as he wanted. Hell, it’s what helped him get into his new condo with a large down payment.
He ate his lunch as he worked, allowing him to finish early and go home earlier than scheduled.
At home, he took a short nap, organized his place more, and headed out for dinner with his new Internet date. The guy showed up just on time.
“Hi, I’m Kenji. Nice to meet you.”
“Hey, I’m Brian. Good to meet you, too.” Brian was tall and black and seemed mostly fit.
They had a similar sense of humor and were politically similar, but Brian drank way too much and clearlygot intoxicated and had no issues with driving himself home. The other issue was Kenji just felt no attraction to him as a person. Sexually, he’d screw Brian easily, but he was tired of hook-ups and one-night stands.