Fuck, I’m using Kenji’s words too much. Damn!
“Money makes the world go ‘round, son. You know that.”
“Dad, the congressman is an independent and wants fairness and justice for all, not just those with money. And he tells the truth, most of the time, anyway. So do I. It’s hard, but we are all trying.”
Dad laughed loud. “He’ll fail or be corrupted. Oh, and as we’ve been investigating things, we found a smoking gun for payoffs from the construction company to city inspectors. The inspectors are supposedto look at random condo units, but the company cherry-picked the ones for inspection. That’s likely why some leak and others don’t. And we’re looking into the inspection company you and Kenji hired. They should have spotted the problems and warned against buying.”
“I suppose you’ll ram that up the city’s ass, and the inspector’s ass, eh?” He shook his head again. He thought of Kenji.
“You bet we will.”
Mom piped in. “Son, your father has lost ten pounds.”