Chapter 17

“My buggy is this way.”

“Your buggy? But the hotel is right here.”

“Oh, yes. Well, things have changed since we last talked. At that time, I was living at Thun…uh, somewhere else and thought you would be more comfortable at the hotel. However, I just recently…well, now’s not the time to discuss it, but the fact is, it’s very comfortable there, and I see no reason whyyou can’t stay there instead of the hotel. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Storm, please don’t think me unappreciative, but I’m a city girl, and the idea of staying on a ranchway out on some prairie gives me chills. I hope you don’t mind if I stay here.”

“Not if that’s what you want. I suppose the first thing we should do is get you a room.”

“I agree, Storm.” She gave him a searching look and then said, “Interesting name, but I would imagine there are all kinds of things I would find interesting about you.”