“I agree.”
“But we’ll have Saturday night,” he says before he starts toward the bunkhouse.
I offer no reply.
Until then, I haven’t considered the day of the week. So caught up in my new life, I’ve not bothered tokeep track and don’t want to find out now because Saturday means town, which means Jack Halligan.
Lying in bed later, I realize Jack has been pushed aside till now, far aside. This feels awful because I know he’s been thinking on me, looking ahead to us in a room, maybe for the whole night. This is fine except Lane will likely want to share a room, and how in hell do I handle this? I’m awake a long time and gain no answers.
* * * *
Next day turns out to be Friday and I’m feeling boxed in, though not in a bad way. No man can complain about two fellows seeking his attention. The trick will be explaining it to one, but which one?