Chapter 17

“I don’t need much food,” says Lane. “I got what keeps me going.”

This night, after supper, Lane and me walk far upstream, get naked, and play around in the water. We’reout till dark and I figure, by the time we leave it, the stream is full of spunk. Then, as we walk back tothe bunkhouse, Lane asks if I’ll room with him Saturday night. “Or will it be the other fellow again?”

I don’t answer right off because I don’t like him bringing Jack into things.

“Well?” he prods. “Which is it?”

“I’m not thinking on tomorrow,” I finally tell him.

“Well, I am. Come on, Wynn, we got a good thing going, don’t we?”

“We do.”

“And this other fellow you see just once a week. Don’t I count for more?”

“That’s not it.”

“Then what is?”

Again I have no answer. He’s pulled Jack to mind before I’m ready, and there’s no explaining Jack. I’m starting to find I don’t like Fridays.