Chapter 7

Sundog’s face was bronzed by the wind and sun, and his strong, handsome features might have been misleading if not for a sort of manliness that showed in the way he strutted around. Sundog’s presence was not easily overlooked. He smiled easily, exposing teeth that were strikingly white against his tanned face. His blond hair was unruly and slightly curled, and his eyes were as blue and as free of guile as a summer’s day. If eyes were the windows of the soul, as she had heard, it seemed strange that he and Jude were such tight friends since Jude’s sinner’s eyes and Sundog’s angel eyes cast them in opposite roles. She knew instinctively that Jude must need Sundog the way a sinner needs the light.

As each one of them nodded and touched the brim of their hats, Lorraine said, “I’m sorry Mr. Bonner thought it was necessary to introduce us since I won’t be here long enough to get to know any of you. I’ll be taking care of my father’s business and then leaving immediately.”