Chapter 36

And now she needed his help.

What would he do? After their little tryst, she had apparently gotten on with her life, but it hadn’t been so easy for him. She was a hard woman to forget. If he did this for her he’d fall under the spell ofthose blue-purple eyes again, and this time he might not escape the hangman’s noose.

Any lawyer could handle this, he thought. After all, it sounded like nothing more than a catfight that got out of hand.

Having made up his mind, he quickly picked up his pen and paper to write her a letter of refusal. He was scribbling fast and furious when he happened to glance over at the last page and saw the words, Madam…mother…mine!

He dropped his pen, grabbed the letter, and kept reading.

As this new information whirled in his head, he knew what he had to do. Moving quickly, he crumpled up his letter of refusal and began writing another one—and then bought a ticket on the west-bound train to hell.

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