That had happened when Gary was starting his interior decoration business and wanted someone to do background checks on three people he was thinking of hiring. He’d gone through the Yellow Pages, figuring from the number of listings that it was anyone’s guess who the best choice was. As he’d told Steve soon after they began dating, “I closed my eyes and pointed, and ended up with you.”
Steve had laughed, replying, “One name lower and you’d have gone to see Ace Cooper.”
“Ace? Seriously?”
“Yep. He’s been around forever. Specializes in catching straying spouses.”
“You don’t do that, do you?” Gary had asked, hoping he’d say no. To him that was the ultimate in sleaze.
“Nope. I won’t touch cases like that. I know it has to be done, but not by me.”
That had made Gary feel that much better about the man he had fast begun to care about. The man he had ultimately married.
Now, Steve said, “Why don’t you go up and change into something comfortable.”