“Absolutely not,” Blaine replied tightly.
“I can get a warrant.”
“You’re going to have to. I don’t care what he did…All right, not the best way to put it, because if he did kill all those men it’s horrible. This is my house. I won’t willingly let you and your people tear it apart looking for some kind of proof that Lloyd is what you say.”
“We don’t…” the detective started to say, and then shrugged as he got to his feet. “I’ll be back in the morning with the warrant. Thank you for talking the time to talk with me.”
“I’d say you’re welcome,” Blaine replied dourly. “Given the circumstances, that would be a lie.”
He showed the detective to the door, resisted slamming it shut when the man was outside. Then he hurriedupstairs. He had things he needed to get rid of before the police returned with their warrant.
“You’re awake.”