Chapter 36

Leaning back, he considered his options. Toss a coin? Close my eyes and point at the map? He brought up amajor map site, and while he didn’t actually close his eyes, he did trace his finger over it, stopping when it hit San Antonio. Maybe? It’s large enough I’d be a just another man among hundreds of thousands. It’s also well away from anywhere I’ve lived before.

“Or perhaps,” he said under his breath. “Why settle down somewhere? Get a car and travel the country instead. Find a city, stick around long enough to pick a bitch who fits the profile, kill her, and move on.” That idea appealed to him.

He began to search online ads for cheap cars, since he didn’t want to spend all his money on a vehicle. Then stopped when it occurred to him he’d need to use his ID to buy one. That would be courting trouble in a big way. But…Yeah, why not?