Chapter 8

From what I’d witnessed, Ingrid and she weren’t very close. There were definitely some unresolved issues between the two women. Davinder and his mother, on the other hand, appeared to have a wonderful, almost privileged relationship. Ingrid was the only one who could get his attention and keep it for more than a minute. Yes, his mother was the only one who could draw a smile out of him all night. And what a smile he had. There was something about Davinder that kept my attention. But he seemed so preoccupied. I hadn’t seen him interacting with his sons much, but there wasn’t any room for him to maneuver. Eileen controlled everything and often chased him away when he tried to. I’d watched them throughout the evening, observing their behavior and analyzing their words as I often did with people. Overall, our first get-together as a new family had gone perfectly fine. Yet here I was, hiding in the bathroom.