“You wanna steal a handful of bills and my Publisher’s Clearinghouse sweepstakes entry, you have fun with that,” Scooter said, winking.
Andy grinned. “Yeah, okay. I’ll…Target’s probably the best stop, get everything all at once. You need a hand with the kegs first, or you want me to just meet you back here when I’m done?”
Scooter made a dismissive gesture. “They’ll give me a trolley and help me lift ‘em up. I’ll wait foryou at the yogurt shop.”
“Frozen yogurt. Before lunch,” Andy said. He shook his head in mock-despair as he walked away. “I’ve fallen in amongst heathens.”
Scooter indulged himself just a little and turned to watch Andy walk away. It was a hell of a view.
Trick woke Andy up even earlier the next morning. The sun was barely out, and the dog was scrabbling madly at the door, making a soft whuffing noise. At least Andy knew where he was as soon as he opened hiseyes.