Kat pulled up in her little commuter car, the boards strapped to the roof with bungee cords. They lookedabsurdly long in comparison to the car. Jason pried himself out of the tiny car like a clown at the circus. Honestly, Scooter didn’t know how the man stuffed his whole leg into that footwell.
The door opened again to reveal Andy in dark blue swim trunks, with Trick on his leash. “We really had to wake up early for—” He stopped, staring at Scooter’s board. “Oh. Surfing. I, um. Never did that before.”
“It’s not too hard—you can swim, right? The waves are pretty gentle, even with surge. You can ride with Kat, if you want. She’s got enough balance for six normal people,” Scooter said. Oh, God, it was hard not to stare; Andy was compact and fucking fit. The muscles in his arms stood out, practically lined in golden morning light.