“Oh, that’s right,” she said, “you don’t know. Jason’s birthday is the fifth. Jason loves roller coasters and fireworks. And we love Jason, so we indulge him in this. You will come with us, yes?”
Andy nodded and pulled her into a quick hug. “Thanks,” he said, trusting that she’d understand without asking that he didn’t mean just the invitation.
“My birthday is not until the fall. October nineteenth,” she said thoughtfully. “I’ll be twenty-one. Isn’t that what I’m supposed to claim now? Forever 21?”
“Too late,” Andy said. “I already know your terrible secret. Don’t worry, I’ll get you a walker and a Life Alert bracelet for your birthday, so you’re all set for your waning years as an ancient crone.”
“And I shall get for you a pacifier and a bib for yours,” Kat shot back. “When is that? I seem to have forgotten, in my senile old age.”