“What can I getcha?”
Trick was already nose-deep in his plain knots, snarfing them with abandon, flecking drool all over thepatio floor.
“You are a disaster,” Andy told the dog with affectionate exasperation, not entirely unlike Kat talking to Scooter, come to think of it. He flicked a tentative glance at the waitress, then peeked at Scooter. “You order; I don’t know what’s good.”
“It’s pizza,” Scooter said, rolling his eyes. “It’s all good. Pick a topping, gorgeous.” One of these days, Scooter was going to find whoever it was that made Andy so terrified of his own opinion and punch them in the mouth a few times.
“Pepperoni, then,” Andy said. “Gotta start with the classics.”
“All pepperoni, and mushrooms on half, too, okay? Thanks.” Scooter grabbed a knot and ate it, then licked oil off his fingers; too damn good to waste it on a napkin. “Dunno if it’s up to your standards,but this is the best pizza place in the whole Tidewater area.”