Chapter 62

So: the walks. Twice a day, he and Trick walked halfway down the beach and back, rain or shine. (It was more shine than rain, and wow, Scooter had not been kidding about the heat, because they weren’t even to the end of June and the early mornings were already in the mid-eighties, and the less said about the afternoons, the better.)

Now they’d figured out Andy was a resident and not a timeshare tourist, the locals were…friendly. It had been unnerving at first; Andy was used to New York, where people didn’t even make eye contact outside of social situations, much less strike up conversations with random passers-by. But now that he’d been here a while, gotten used to it, he didn’t mind it so much. Especially when they would wave, or even stop him to exchange greetings and gossip. Sometimes they’d ask him to pass messages on to Scooter (as if cell phones weren’t a thing, even if Andy himself still didn’t have one). It was nice. Normal. For Sandbridge.