Scooter inhaled, painfully hard. “Jesus, Andy,” he said. I am falling in love with you, so hard. He leaned down, claimed Andy’s mouth, hard and fierce, driving his tongue inside and tasting everything, leaving no part untouched. His hands roamed, stroking every inch of skin. He shoved an arm under Andy’s back, to pull them closer, wanting to bite and mark and dig in his nails until he was right underAndy’s skin.
He groped around behind him on the bed for the lube, paused in his invasion of Andy’s mouth only long enough to tear the packet open with his teeth. He didn’t have the mental capacity left for words, barely enough for finesse, and he squirted the gel against Andy’s asshole. Shaking with the need to be kind, gentle, to make it good, he circled his finger around the tight pucker, watching Andy’s face with intensity.