
Chapter 7

“Wow, thanks for picking me up tonight.”

Justin chuckled. “No, thank you. Pleasure was mine.”

The phone rang.

“Damn,” Brad said, “that’s probably my dad.”

The phone kept ringing startling Justin out of his memory.

He reached for the phone by the hospital bed. “Brad?”

“Is this room 223?” a woman asked.

Justin fought to keep down his disappointment. “No, I’m sorry. You have the wrong room.”

Brad, where are you?

Justin was beginning to think he’d dreamed up Brad because he wanted him to be there. Louise assured him the big, tall, dark-haired man who’d been visiting him up until three days ago was very real. And she had called him Mr. Callahan.

So where was he?

It was stupid to want to see Brad. It had taken him forever to get over him. If he really had. But when heknew he was coming to California, some part of him thought about seeing Brad. No wonder when he woke up to Brad in his hospital room, he thought maybe he’d hit his head too hard.