
Chapter 25

“Well, honestly, that’s what I was thinking when this all started,” Justin said, his voice soft, distant.

Brad blew out the breath he’d been holding. He nodded, trying to let numbness take over but not sure he was very successful. It hurt. Damn. It took him a few seconds to get his mouth to work again.

“All right. Now I know.”


“No, it’s all right, Justin. I get it.” He held his hands out, almost as if he could stop the hateful words from Justin from coming out. “Really. I pretty much expected you’d say that.” He’d hope he’dbe wrong of course.

“Brad, I want…The thing is, I wish it didn’t bother me still,” Justin said. His eyes brimming with tears, he looked at Brad. “But the truth is it does. I’m not sure it will ever not bother me.”

Brad swallowed hard. It did nothing to dull the pain. “I understand. You don’t think you can ever forgive or forget what happened thirteen years ago.”

Justin didn’t reply, just gave a little nod.