
Chapter 27

Rick turned Brad to face the door. “Open the door, Brad.”

When Brad didn’t act quickly enough, Rick shook him violently. “Now!”

Brad reached out and turned the door knob. Rick pushed him through the door first and followed after.

Justin grabbed the phone on the counter and dialed 9-1-1. His heart in his throat, he gave the information as fast as he could and then hurried out the door.

Rick dragged Brad toward an SUV parked by a large trash receptacle. But Brad wasn’t going without a fight. He struggled the whole way.

“Son of a bitch,” Rick yelled. “I can shoot you right here, Brad.”

Brad suddenly elbowed Rick hard in the ribs and then ducked down, breaking Rick’s hold. Justin watchedin shock as Brad did some crazy kind of kick move that reminded him of something out of a Jean-Claude VanDamme movie. The gun went flying out of Rick’s hand.

“Ow fuck!” Rick grabbed his wrist.