WebNovelLiving It16.67%

Chapter 4

“I can’t believe someone like you is still single.”

That statement was so unexpected, he ended up staring at Jonah in astonishment with the spoonful of ice cream about an inch away from his mouth. “Someone like me?”

Jonah cleared his throat, and Davion was astounded at the sight of the other man’s reddening cheeks. “Yeah. I mean, a man as good-looking as you are. I also think you have a great sense of humor. I…I thought I’d died and gone to heaven when you invited me to get ice cream with you.”

He glanced at Jonah in disbelief. “You’re kidding, right? Have you ever seen your reflection in the mirror?”

Jonah snorted. “Of course. What does that have to do with—”

“Dude,” Davion interrupted while gesturing at Jonah with his free hand. “You’re fucking hot. Like burning.”

“Not enough to keep a man apparently,” Jonah scoffed, and Davion was taken aback by the bitterness in the other man’s tone of voice. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Forget about it.”