WebNovelLiving It25.00%

Chapter 6

“Just a friend?”

“Yeah. Davion is a new—”

“Ah-ha! Progress! So, his name is Davion. Is he cute?”

He stared at his mom in disbelief. “Yes, he is. Very much so.”

She smirked at him. “I can detect the love interest already. You like him?”

He did his best not to sputter as he came up with a response. “I do. He’s pretty.”

His mom snorted. “You really have a type, haven’t you?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You like pretty men.”

“Well…yeah. Doesn’t everyone?”

She leaned against the back of the chair. “Not me. I didn’t fall in love with the old man until we had our first kiss. The thing he did with his tongue—”

“Holy shit—”


“Mom, for goodness sake. Please spare me the details. Yuck!”

“Oh, don’t be a prude. You’re certainly old enough now.”

He grimaced in disgust. “There are things about my parents I really don’t need to know. Trust me.”

She sighed. “Fine. Anyway, when are you bringing Devin home for our weekly dinner?”