Chapter 6

Eric was never in the wrong place. He even anticipated a small problem a time or two and turned Ole Red to put a cow back into the herd or urge a lagging calf across a ditch. Finally the last gate was closed behind the herd as they settled to graze in the new area.

The sun was dropping low over the jagged line of the distant mountains on the west side of the Caliente Valley as the two men headed back to the ranch. Eric reined Ole Red in alongside Damon’s dun.

“Thanks for inviting me along, Damon. I’ve enjoyed it more than I can say. It’s been a while, but it felt real good to be in the saddle again.”

Damon grinned. “I have to admit I had my doubts, but you put them all to rest. You’re a damn good hand,Doc.”

Eric’s eyes were bright and warm, lit with a trace of mischief. “So you might have me out again?”

“Well, there’s still one test. You’ve gotta get outside a plate full of Rosalinda’s sour cream enchiladas before you leave.”