“Now that was all quite mysterious,” Castien commented.
Lain chuckled. “She can be like that at times. Time will tell as to what she had in mind.”
It did take time and, while they waited, Beleg and Lain told Castien and Theirn in more detail what had occurred while they had been gone. Many of the men who’d been the prince’s soldiers had defected once they knew he was dead. They had joined with the people of the island against those of the prince’s followers who thought to continue his reign of terror.
“There have been many small battles in which our people have prevailed although not without some loss of lives, I am afraid,” Beleg said. “We did capture two men who had held high positions in his court and,” he smiled somewhat maliciously, “one of them knew where the entrances to the mines are. He was, shall I say, persuaded to tell us. It will take some time to reach them and free the miners, but it will happen, I promise.”