After about thirty minutes in the car, I pulled into his family’s driveway and stopped behind his father’s large white van.
“I, um, had a lot of fun. Thank you,” I mumbled.
“I did, too. Want to come in?”
I did a double take and stared at him. “I thought no one was allowed in your space? Matt always says he’s certain you’re cooking meth up there since you won’t let anyone in.”
“Meth?” He huffed out a laugh. “He’s crazy.”
“Well…yeah?” I loved how the sound of his laughter filled the cab of my car with happiness and my stomach with warmth.
“I promise I don’t cook meth. And none of the kids are allowed. You, however, are invited.”
“I’m honored. I’d love to come. If only to rub it in Matt’s face.”
We both chuckled as I turned off the engine. I followed him around the back of the garage to the outside staircase leading up to his place.
“Hurry. We don’t want the Hell Sisters to see us.”
“Hey,” I hissed after him. “I thought we weren’t allowed to call them that.”