Chapter 37

“Not at all! I’ve never been rich, so not having it wouldn’t change my life. However—” Brian pointed a finger at Conley, “—it might be a nice to have it to fall back on, if we have to keep moving from place to place to keep your secret a secret.”

Conley took a deep breath. “You’re willing to do that?”

“I love you. In spite of everything, knowing what I know now, and what you put me though, although you had no choice, I still love you. I don’t think that will ever change.” He moved to Conley, putting his hands on his waist. “You could have trusted me enough to tell me, but I can understand why you didn’t. I’d probably have called you crazy, or delusional.”

“I’m sure.” Conley brushed his finger over Brian’s lips. “You’re certain?”

“That I love you? Yes. I know you love me as well. That brings up a point, though. How many other men have you loved in the past, hell, forever I guess, since the Phoenix has been around since the beginning of time from what I’ve learned?”