Chapter 40

“So I’m gainfully employed again,” he told Brian that night when Brian got home from work.

“Which means I’ll only see you on Mondays when I’m off,” Brian replied with a very feigned pout.

“And Thursdays,” Conley replied. “I convinced him to let me have them off, too. As I pointed out, Sundays are busier, because it’s the weekend. He agreed.”

“Yes!” Brian pumped a fist.

They decided to use their Mondays to clean house, shop, and work on the yard, while keeping Thursdays for other things they enjoyed doing together. Their first gardening chore was cleaning out the pond, filling it with water, and then buying some koi for it.

“They match you,” Brian said, watching the fish swimming around the pond.

“Umm, I don’t think scales equate with feathers,” Conley protested.

“The colors, silly man.”

“Okay, I’ll give you that.”

July arrived, with hot, sunny days. “Emphasis on hot,” Conley complained more than once.”