Chapter 12

“It is.” He grabbed the dessert menu. “I think I’ll have tiramisu. What about you? They have cannoli, cheesecake, gelato—”

“Definitely cannoli. I don’t care if I have to run three more miles than usual this week, it’s worth it.”

Jaiden grinned as the waiter showed up to clear our table. He gave the man our dessert order and asked for more champagne. When he disappeared, Jaiden said, “Let’s talk about exes. I have a few, but none of them were ugly breakups. Just, time to move on, you know?”

“I really don’t. Uh, I’ve never had a boyfriend. All my infrequent hookups are just that. It never happened for me.” And there I go being pathetic again.

“Nothing wrong with that. Some guys prefer it that way. And others are just biding their time until the right moment, which I think, for you and me, is now.” Well, that was bold.

“Is that right?” I said after our dessert was placed before us.