Chapter 21

“Hey, Titus. What’re you doing over here talkin’ to the trash man? He don’t play sports and the day’s a-wastin’. Come on, let’s go shoot some hoops!”

Before Titus could even respond, they dragged him away. They were soon laughing and backslapping each other like long-lost jock buddies. Well, at least Titus treated me like a human being with a brain, which was more than I could say for most of these people. I looked at my watch. It was only fifteen past eight. God, noon couldn’t come soon enough.

* * * *

At eleven o’clock, karaoke began. Barb started out the contest with a rousingly awful rendition of “One Way or Another.” Blondie would have smacked her ass for the presumption. With such an awesome beginning, it had to get better, right? Er, no.

My ears seemingly bled for the next three songs, then my eyes were scarred for life when a woman got up on stage and proceeded to pretend fellatio on the microphone while croaking out a Madonna tune. She must be popular at parties.