Chapter 28

I tried to clear the frog out of my throat. “Why, Titus?”

“Do you need anything? I wanted to check on you.”

“Because you think a pathetic do-gooder like me wouldn’t have friends to take care of him? Whatever game you’re playing, I’m not interested. Buzz off,” I yelled, then hacked up half a lung as I ended the call. That could have gone better.

What a skunk!

After I drank some water, I settled back onto the couch and slept for a few more hours. When I awoke, it was after six and the news was on. Yeah! I’d survived another day of Court TV. I slowly stood and shuffled my way into the kitchen to make soup. Before I could open the refrigerator, I heard a knock on the door.

Liz had said she’d stop by to clean up a bit and check my stock of food and water. Was that today or tomorrow? I couldn’t remember. I shuffled back into the living room toward the front door. I opened it, then shut it again on seeing Titus standing there, a huge gift basket in hand.