That bastard had ruined my life simply by existing. Had he ever done anything evil? Not that I knew of. Was he a bad person? I didn’t know that, either. He helped senior citizens move trash cans to and from the curb, petted dogs, tickled underneath the chins of babies, and didn’t seem to mind drool.
How did I know this? Well, Finn was also my neighbor, and I had witnessed all the above myself. No, I was not a stalker. Could I help it if I happened to be cutting the grass at just the right time? And when he bent over to pick up a ball or something, his ass was so…
Where was I? Oh, right.
Without even trying, he had women and men soaking their underwear. That desperately adoring crowd didn’t include me. No, sir. I was too busy despising the man for his perfection. Surely there was something to mar that seemingly untainted persona. He was too good to be true. And I knew better than to lust after a man so much younger than I. Didn’t stop me, though.