Chapter 36

What once would have been flattering was now seriously annoying. All that hotness was simply a shell covering a narcissistic idiot. Ego and arrogance were one thing. Rio had that in spades. But Finn’s behavior crossed a line for me.

His kitchen had been repaired, as Finn told me within a week of the fire. Either his insurance had paid up real fast, or he just went ahead and did it and would be reimbursed later. Still, that kind of repair wasn’t cheap, and I knew he had money, anyway. Must be nice.

Finn’s behavior became borderline ludicrous, however, as the days went by. The one-liners, flirting, and longer-than-necessary skin-to-skin contact when I handed him his cup of un-caffeinated-whatever in the mornings. The man had never paid much notice of me in the past, and now he was all up in my grill. All I ever gave him in return was a “thank you for your business” comment. Nothing more. It frustrated him, I could tell.