Chapter 6

“Afraid it’s not much, but it might see you on.”

“Not much?” Jeremy croaked. “It’s…you shouldn’t have…I…I can’t…” He was babbling

David picked up a piece of the bread, spread it thinly with mustard, and layered the slices of beef on. He topped it with another slice of bread and handed it to him. Jeremy took it gingerly and hesitated. David nodded, so he took a huge bite. It was astounding. The bread was soft and fresh and the smell of it in his nose was breath taking. The beef, meltingly tender and rare, made his eyes close as the mustard tickled the back of his nose. He chewed and groaned, savouring every morsel, whilst David poured two cups of tea. He looked at him as he took another bite, and then let his eyes close. When he opened them, it was to find David Lambert staring at him with an odd, intense expression. He closed them again and carried on eating.

Once the bread and meat were finished, they sat sipping tea and eating macaroons on the bed