“Beg pardon,” she said. “Will you be travelling with Spencer?”
David shook his head. “No. Not this time. Bentley will go with him.”
Mrs. Crawford nodded and glanced at Jeremy’s back. She smiled softly as she left.
As the door clicked shut, Jeremy put his hands over his face. “I am so terribly sorry,” he whispered. “She must have seen.”
“She did, but it really doesn’t matter.”
Jeremy looked shocked. “Doesn’t matter? She saw me stroking your face.”
David sighed. “In my house, everyone understands my preference is for men. It will come as no surprise that we are…close.”
“Close. Intimate.” David pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes for a moment. “Jeremy, my entire life outside this place is a lie. I need to have somewhere where I can simply be myself. You will find many of the staff here have different preferences, but they are all good people. Here, we can simply be who we are. That includes you.”
“They know we are…” Jeremy gestured vaguely.