Chapter 48

David let his eyes close as he responded.

“Let me look after you,” Jeremy whispered, between soft kisses. “Just lie back and let me take care of you.”

David pulled away and looked up into his eyes. In the dark, he couldn’t read his expression. Jeremy stroked David’s hair, ran his fingers over his face, brushing his thumb over his cheek, cupped his jaw and kissed him again. David wanted to weep. Jeremy pulled back again, and this time wriggled out of the robe and then slid over so that he lay in the cradle of David’s thighs. The feel of him there was almost too much. David raised his legs either side of Jeremy’s hips and held him whilst Jeremy continued stroking and kissing. David wrapped his arms around him as the ache inside grew. The emptiness became all-consuming and pushed at his soul, demanding all the things never allowed himself to want.

David reached out to the bed stand and grabbed a vial of oil. He closed his eyes and pushed it at Jeremy.