“Try it,” he snarled, and walked out of the room, slamming the door as he went.
* * * *
He walked for a long time. He needed to regain his composure. It was late in the afternoon before he mounted the steps of the townhouse and let himself in. Mrs. Crawford appeared, wiping her hands on her apron. She bobbed a curtsey.
“Afternoon. Will you be wanting tea?”
“Yes please. Where is Mr. Naylor?”
She looked at him for a long moment. “In the library.”
David surrendered his coat and headed towards the door. He paused, and then went in. Jeremy was sat on the floor by the roaring fire, cross legged, no shoes or stockings, sewing. A beautiful violet garment lay across his lap. He looked up when the door opened. Usually when Jeremy greeted him it was with smile that would melt ice. Unselfconscious, full bodied, and glorious to behold. Today, his eyes were wary, and his smile restrained.
“You’re back.”
“I am.”
“What did he want you to do?”