He looked at pocket watches, writing desks, handkerchiefs and gloves, all manner of gewgaws and fripperies, but nothing stood out to him, so he walked back down the other side slower this time, paying more attention. He was almost at the bottom, when he spotted something in the window of a small, exclusive jewellers. He hesitated, and then went inside.
He was seated in a comfortable parlour whilst the shop keeper brought the items from the window for his inspection. A single rope of pearls, long enough to sit nicely on the décolletage and not strangle the owner, and beside it, a gentleman’s cravat pin with a single, beautiful pearl. As the owner extolled the quality of the pearls, David imagined them sitting about Jeremy’s neck whilst he wore the violet dress, and when he wore a cravat, the pin would nestle gently at his throat. He thought of other pearls he might give him and realised he might have to stay seated for a moment or two longer.