“Were they in a safe?”
Charnley’s question was a reasonable one, but it sent David’s heart to his boots. “No.” The words were whispered. He put a hand over his eyes. “In my coat pocket.”
When he looked up, Kendrick’s gaze was sympathetic, which made David feel worse. “We need to get him out, Davey boy. Lad will hang for it, sure as eggs is eggs.”
“No, he won’t.” David paced.
“If you have any notion of taking his place, disabuse yourself of it immediately,” Charnley snapped.
“He will not hang. I will see to it. Is Fallows in town?” David asked.
Kendrick nodded. “He is. Has a house on Curzon Street?”
“Right.” David looked at both men. “I’m going to see him.”
“Wait,” Charnley said. “You cannot just go barging in there, you will incriminate yourself.”
“Do you think I care?”
“Well, you should. If Fallows really want to cause trouble they could lay…other allegations at both your feet. That wouldn’t help at all, would it?”