“I take it you didn’t find the letter?”
“No. Nothing. Went through his safe and personal possessions but nothing.”
“Disappointing,” he said, and passed a brandy to David. “Can I get you something, my dear? Ratafia perhaps?” he said to Jo.
“Brandy will be fine, thank you.”
Charnley hesitated momentarily, and then glanced at David as if Jo’s word wasn’t enough. He stared back, so, with a small shrug Charnley poured her a small glass and handed it over.
“Jeremy has been moved to Newgate. The Press Yard.”
Charnley grimaced. “Then we need to move quickly. If they try him, it will be a matter of days before the punishment is exacted.”
“So, you need to give the evidence to Standish. Today.”
Charnley took a drink, clearly deep in thought. David wanted to scream but remained silent. Charnley nodded.
“But, we need Jeremy out of Newgate before he gets his hands on it.”
Charnley flicked him a glance and David’s temper began to fray. “Do not play me false in this, brother,” he said.