Chapter 71

Jeremy nodded, but David could feel him shaking. He felt warm. Too warm. David’s heart sank.22

Jeremy kept his head down as the small crowd of people from the exercise yard were escorted out of the prison and onto Newgate Street. He couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t believe he was out. They hadn’t recognised him, hadn’t questioned him…He was free!

The scene he was met with was sobering. Hundreds of people still wandered about, dazed. Many were weeping as the dead and injured were put onto carts. The road was strewn with hats, odd shoes, ladies’ reticules. Jeremy spotted a child’s rag doll and couldn’t stop staring at it.

“What happened?” he whispered to David, horrified.

“Too many turned up to watch and from what I can gather got caught in a crush. Those that fell were trampled it seems.”

“It was that bloody pie seller,” grumbled Kendrick. Fell over and it all went to pot after that.

“What are they doing with them?”