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Chapter 5

Kevin’s gaze left his face—he felt the loss like a kick in the gut—and slid to his car. “I like the red there too.”


That intense, cock-hardening gaze came back to land on Michael. “Excuse me?”

Michael grinned sheepishly. “The name of the color is Bordeaux. According to Maserati.”

“You’re obviously doing well,” Kevin said. “Working at your father’s firm?”

“Yeah. I’m a full partner though. A divorce attorney.”

“Still breaking up relationships, huh?”

Michael winced. “Kevin—”

“How’s Danny?”

He relaxed a little, though he was still wound tight with sexual energy. “Good. He lives up north. Going to Stanford. Engaged, too, to a fellow medical student.”

“Another wildly successful Bennett. Well, good for him. That’s great. Be sure to tell him I said hello.”