“What about your family, Kevin? Can’t they help you?”
Kevin snorted, once again glad for the change of subject. “You must be kidding. My parents got divorced several years ago. My dad lives in Las Vegas with a cocktail waitress. He’s on disability and spends whatever he gets on slot machines.”
Michael winced. “And your mother?”
“She lives in Illinois now and prays for me.”
“Yeah, oh.” Kevin took a bite of his spaghetti. “Not everyone lives happily ever after, Bennett. Anyway, Danny never cared about any of that crap, which I totally appreciated. You guys always had more money than my family, but we immediately became friends when we met in grade school. He was like the brother I never had.” He stopped, lowering his gaze. Damn, he sounded pathetic.
“I’m sorry, Kevin. I never meant for what happened between me and you to interfere with your friendship with Danny.”