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Chapter 11

“Damn, that was good.”

Kevin grinned, peering up at him from beneath sweaty dark and red streaked hair. “Of course it was. What did you expect?”

He laughed. “You’re a brat. Did anyone ever tell you that?”

“I think maybe you did.”

Michael grinned. “Yeah, maybe I did. Come on.” He reached a hand down to haul Kevin to his feet. “I want to continue the tour.”4

“Okay, your house officially rocks,” Kevin declared, jumping on to the king-size bed covered in a featherbed topper and comforter. He buried himself in the softness. “And this bed, man, I could totally get used to this.”

Michael laughed. “I’m glad you approve.”

“I definitely do.” Kevin sighed, inhaling Michael’s scent from the bed. He hadn’t bothered to get completely redressed from the kitchen to the bedroom, so he only had on his jeans, which he’d left unfastened. He lay on his back and crossed his arms behind his head. “Rich people have it made.”