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Chapter 15

Kevin frowned. What did that mean?

“I received an offer to buy the car wash, and it’s one I just couldn’t refuse.” Mr. Lewis chortled. “Obviously, some details have to be ironed out before the sale can go through, but it’s in the works. Until then things will remain as they are, but once the new owner takes over, well, I’m not sure what his intentions are. All right, that’s it. I don’t know how long it will take, but I’ll let everyone know as it gets closer.”

Gabby repeated everything he’d said to those who didn’t speak English. Everyone looked stunned. Kevin was pretty stunned himself.

“Good night, folks, and have a pleasant evening,” Mr. Lewis said. His gaze stopped on Kevin, lingering overlong as far as Kevin was concerned, but then he turned and went toward where he always parked his car.

Gabby walked back to Kevin. “Wow, I can’t believe it.”

“Yeah. How long have you been here, Gabby?”