“Come here, Kevin. Why so formal?” She pulled him into an embrace. “My goodness, it’s been ages. You’ve gotten so handsome too. No wonder you won Michael over.”
Kevin felt his cheeks go hot as she released him. “Uh, thanks.”
She waved her hand. “Look at you. You are so adorable. You even put red streaks in your hair for the day.”
Michael chuckled. “Actually, Mom, he always has those. But I agree, he is cute.”
“Oh.” She laughed, and then studied Kevin’s hair. “Is that flour in your hair, honey?”
“No, ma’am. Pixie dust.”
Michael rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he offered me some too. Come on, babe, let’s go find the rest of the family. You want a beer? Wine? Lemonade?”
Sometime later, after they’d eaten their fill of burgers and dogs, Kevin stood on the backyard deck, beer in hand admiring the garden Michael’s father carefully tended. The sliding door was open, and he could hear talking and laughing from within. It had been a good day.