Chapter 5

Noah closed his eyes, certain the words on the screen pierced his heart. He wanted to scream. He stood and walked away from the offending computer. Insanely, he was tempted to throw it across the room. Like he could pretend it wasn’t Charlie who’d typed the words, felt them.

He clenched his fists. He wished he could punch something. He wasn’t a violent guy. It was stupid, but Noah still wanted to punch the wall.

The instant message beep sounded and then sounded again.

Noah leaned against the wall, his head back, eyes closed, trying to pull himself together. What had he expected? Happily ever after for him and Charlie? That only happened in movies or books, and only for straight people.

An instant message beeped again.

Noah straightened from the wall and sat back down in front of the computer. On the screen were three messages.

What about you, Sly Cat? You have anyone special?

Sly Cat?

Are you there?

Noah typed, I’m here. Sorry.

Good. Do you have a boyfriend?