Chapter 8

Owen’s appearance hadn’t changed as drastically as Jamison’s, which made this even stranger. Cole had left when Owen was halfway through puberty, so he definitely wasn’t the same, but the smile that had grown in after all his baby teeth fell out was still there, he had a five o’clock shadow instead of a full beard so it was easier to see that he still had round cheeks with a pointed chin, and unlike Jamison he had remained fairly svelte. Even if Owen’s face had been hidden behind the bushiest of beards, the family resemblance showed most in their ears; all four of them had ears that flared outward at the top, “the better to rest your hat on” as their dad used to say.

When the round of introductions came to Owen’s wife and daughter, Owen’s smile faded to a neutral expression. He merely nodded and pointed when he said their names, then turned to pet Cassidy, who had come looking for more attention.