Chapter 14

“Thanks again for a great day. Great night last night too.” It occurred to Thomas that now he’d have to go home to his own lonely apartment with dreams of Clark and wishing for something that probably was never going to be. This was probably their only time together. He’d have to savor it.

Clark clicked the electronic locks on his car as they approached it. “Well, it doesn’t have to end. Why don’t you stay over tonight?”

Yes!Thomas felt like high-fiving someone.

“If you’re sure,” he said, doing his best no-big-deal voice.

Clark smiled. “I’m sure.”

“Great.” So his perfect weekend didn’t have to end yet. He just wished he knew if it was going to lead to something more. He wanted it to, Thomas realized. Hooking up with the boss might not be the best idea, but he’d already taken that step, and he wanted to take it even further. He hoped Clark did too. Inviting him to stay over again definitely seemed promising.6