“You’re not going to hurt me, are you?” the girl asked as I thought about whether or not to turn the lights on.
This part of the basement had no windows, so I lit the overheads. The girl was pretty, but her mascara was running, and she needed a bath. Her hair, though a beautiful cardinal red (I guessed Feria by L’Oréal), was a disaster.
“Is that man your son?” Her gaze left me and took in her surroundings.
Just your average basement, left over partly from the fifties and updated in the seventies; part old furniture and way past their prime televisions and stereos, and part pool table and shag rugs. And a bar, I’d almost forgotten about that. Should I offer her a drink? Why not? Age didn’t matter right now, but a little calm could only help. Besides, I needed one drastically.
“Look at all these antiques!” the girl said.
I handed her a small glass of whiskey. “Kill or cure,” I muttered. “Sip it if you don’t drink much.”